What We Do?

We the Gandhian Society of New Jersey(GSoNJ) are exist to promote the Gandhian Way of Life in the USA. We spread his message of Non-violence, Truth, Self-Discipline & Love, among the people of America.

In this wild world of unseen opportunities, known enemies, technological prowess, and social chaos, there are very few things in this world we can ground ourselves with. Gandhiji lived a life full of adventure, challenges, victories and often times defeat & loss but he never lost his path…
He had but 11 simple Rules of Life which kept him going in the right direction – Rules he never compromised, always respected and whole-heartedly shared with those who listened. His words and actions are relevant even today and function as lessons to lead a life of enlightenment & empowerment.

To inform, educate and engage the residents and future generations we designed a yearlong campaign on his 149th birth anniversary called Gandhi Going Global or G3. It includes, an expo, a museum, a souvenir shop as-well-as Motivational Talks, Interactive & Introspective Activities, Educational Programs, Cultural Celebrations and more on insert 2018 dates.

We hope that through these days the participants will absorb the 11 Rules of Life, followed by Gandhiji himself and be inspired to make a difference by Being the Change.

The GSNJ is a living example of Walking-the-Talk – Not only do they believe in Gandhiji’s words, wisdom & philosophy but proactively lead their lives as if he is within them, walking down the path beside them. There can be no more convincing manifestation of the Gandhian way of Life than that of the Society and it’s Board of Directors. The aim of all these individuals and the society is to ignite a Generational Lifestyle Change that will captivate & motivate youth of America; to imbibe Gandhian Philosophy and not Just Think but Act… Act like Gandhiji & Proactively Walk the Path of Life, as if they were walking in his very Footsteps