About Gandhian Society

We are Gandhian Society, a non-political, non-profit organization founded by Shree Bhadra Butala and likeminded-people who carry Gandhiji within their head, heart and in action.

We have three founding pillars… “Nonviolence, Communal Harmony and Self Discipline”

Gandhian Society is located in Edison New Jersey… in the heart of Tri-State area (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) where the Indian population is more than 1.5 million. There we have the Gandhian Society’s central office, class rooms, a conference room, a non-profit merchandising store – where we have photographs, Khadi products and many more things available.

We also house a multi-language library of books about Gandhiji and all his followers. We are currently working with many Gandhian NGOs and all other organizations who are inspired by Gandhiji such as America’s own apostle of non-violence, Martin Luther King.

Gandhi with us…Gandhi within us…

Gandhian Society is a non-political, non-profit organization founded by likeminded-people who carry Gandhiji within their head, heart and in action.

We have three founding pillars… “Nonviolence, Communal Harmony and Self Discipline”

The objective of Gandhian Society is to spread Gandhian philosophy all across the globe. Our belief is that Gandhiji’s message is the solution for all the problems in the world.

The true vision of Gandhian Society is to make the thoughts of Gandhiji accessible to the youth, raise awareness towards the non-violence approach and ‘Bring the Change by Being the Change’.

To this End, we aim to implement the Gandhian way of living, as well as his 11 rules for Life:

  • Ahimsa – Nonviolence,
  • Satya – Truth,
  • Asteya – Non Stealing,
  • Brahmacharya – Self Discipline,
  • Aparigraha – Non-Possession,
  • Sharir Shrama – Bread Labor,
  • Aswada – Control of the Palate,
  • Sarvatra Bhayavarjana – Fearlessness,
  • Sarva Dharma Samanatva – Equality of all Religions
  • Swadeshi – Use locally made Goods,
  • Sparshbhavana – Remove Untouchability


Gandhian Society is located in Edison New Jersey… in the heart of Tri-State area (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) where the Indian population is more than 15 lacs. There we have the Gandhian Society’s central office, class rooms, a conference room, a non-profit merchandising store – where we promote and sell his photographs, Khadi products and many more things.

We also house a multi-language library of books about Gandhiji and all his followers. We are currently working with many Gandhian NGOs and all other organizations who are inspired by Gandhiji such as America’s own apostle of non-violence, Martin Luther King.

Our core mission is A) Spread the message of non-violence, eradicate discrimination and implement Gandhian methodology & philosophy to uplift humanity. B) Support all the Gandhian associations and organizations doing similar work around the world and spread awareness all across the U.S.


The objective of Gandhian Society is to spread Gandhian philosophy all across the globe. Our belief is that Gandhiji’s message is the solution for all the problems in the today’s world.


The true vision of Gandhian Society is to make the thoughts of Gandhiji accessible globally and specially to the youth, raise awareness towards the non-violence approach and ‘Bring the Change by Being the Change’.

To this End, we aim to implement the Gandhian way of living, as well as his 11 rules forLife:

  • Ahimsa – Nonviolence,
  • Satya – Truth,
  • Asteya – Non Stealing,
  • Brahmacharya – Self Discipline,
  • Aparigraha – Non-Possession,
  • SharirShrama – Bread Labor,
  • Aswada – Control of the Palate,
  • SarvatraBhayavarjana – Fearlessness,
  • Sarva Dharma Samanatva – Equality of all Religions
  • Swadeshi – Use locally made Goods,
  • Sparshbhavana – Remove Untouchability


Our core mission is

  • Spread the message of non-violence, eradicate discrimination and implement Gandhian methodology&philosophy to uplift humanity.
  • Support all the Gandhian associations and organizations doing similar work around the world and spread awareness all across the U.S.

The opportunity to spread this message arose around Gandhiji’s birth anniversary…

Thus was born Gandhi Going Global!


Force or violence, according to Gandhi Jee, is a madness which cannot be sustained – ‘So ultimately force or violence will bow down before non-violence’.

The message of Gandhi Jee is universal and an eternal source of inspiration for the youth; it provides an anchor and a safe harbor for a youngster in search of direction, clarity and purpose.”