Gandhi as an Educator

Gandhi as an Educator

Gandhiji emphasized certain ideals, practical work and the potentiality of students in education. Gandhian education has been characterized as encompassing the head, the heart and the hands that means an all-around development of child. According to him education is that which draws out and stimulates the spiritual, intellectual and physical faculties of children.

The Principle of Gandhian Education is to develop the individual soul & mind, build courage & self-reliance, and cultivate the most intellectual, scientific, moral & ethical thought-driven-actions.

1)Free and Compulsory Education: Gandhiji regarding basic education or bunyaditalim, said elementary education should be free of charge, to enable all Indians to lead an independant life.

2)Mother tongue as a medium of education: Gandhiji emphasized the mother tongue to be the medium of instruction. Mother tongue would enable the children to express themselves effectively and clearly, learn ethical and moral values and importance of national heritage.

3)Crafts centeredness: Students should get exposure to learn skills and craft like stitching, knitting, weaving, agricultural activities & cooking which teach children self-reliance and also develop three domains: Physical Domain, Psycho-motor Domain and Cognitive Domain