G3 2018

Gandhi Going Global

– A Concept, A Celebration and A Commitment…
On 2nd Oct ’17, the world celebrated the 149th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the Gandhian Society made a vow to spread Gandhiji’s thoughts all across the world. For our first step, we launched the campaign ‘Gandhi Going Global’ and it will continue till 2019, when we will celebrate Gandhiji’s 150th Anniversary.

Though in just 2 years, it will be his 150th anniversary it seems like only yesterday Gandhiji was with us and his presence lingers on in our heads & hearts…. but the reality is that the youth and the people of America don’t know who he was, how he lived or what has he achieved…

Gandhi Going Global / G3 aims at showing the relevance of Gandhiji to today’s generations across the world and inspiring them to absorb Gandhiji’s thoughts and translate them into action. We wish to begin at the grass root level unto the last, including schools, colleges and universities as-well-as in the community by offering opportunities for participation and learning that demonstrate the relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in today’s world.

Thus, we decided to run a year-long campaign starting 2nd October 2017 which will culminate in an Exhibition-cum-Expo on the 14th, 15th & 16th December 2018. It will be organised in the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Centre (150,000 square feet large which is one of the biggest exposition centres in USA.

What’s going to happen in those three days…

The Exhibition-cum-Expo will be divided in four sections…

Academic Programs in the 15,000 sqft Conference hall. A Six hour each day academic program consist of workshop, seminars in conference area. It will be free entry but with the invitation…

Memorabilia Museum which will be spread in a 50,000 sqft area

Exhibition & Trade Show on Gandhian activities and products in a 82,000sqft area where all Gandhian organizations will display their work, activities and handmade products.

Cultural Activities in a 35,000 sqft area where we have stage, key note speeches, Khadi fashion show presentations, and a cultural program

Besides partner organizations, we have invited over 500 Universities and are expecting 15 to 20,000 attendees in 3 days. For the key note speakers – we are planning to extend in invitation to Barack & Michelle Obama as they too believe in promoting non-violence & other legendary speakers.

G3 is collaborating with 3 partner organizations, all of whom were founded & established by Gandhiji himself.

Gujarat Vidyapith
Gujarat Vidyapith will help us in conducting seminars, workshops and will provide academic guidelines.

Sabarmati Ashram
Sabarmati Ashram will help us showcase Gandhiji in a unique way. They will provide us a replica of memorabilia and all the things Gandhiji used in his day to day life.

Gandhi Research Foundation
Gandhi Research Foundation will set-up a unique Memorabilia museum in a 50,000 sqft space, showcasing the life of Gandhiji which will be so educational, motivational and inspiring to American residents.

Gandhiji himself firmly believed, Change, progress, evolution and growth are all possible, but they start from within us… from our homes, heads & hearts and inside-out. We hope to inspire each and everyone who walks through the G3 gates to feel this shift deep within themselves and ultimately become Change-makers in their own lives and in the community.

G3 2018 – Highlight

  • Prayer, Yoga
  • Seminars with advance registration
  • Workshops with advance registration
  • Museum
  • Khadi Exhibition (Khadi and handloom etc.)
  • Key note speech
  • Award for Gandhian work
  • Cultural program
  • Khadi fashion show (famous Indian fashion designer)
  • Short film on Gandhi
  • Gandhi and youth debate (with registration)


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