
- Name and address : : ABHAY NARAYAN TRIPATHI
Bungalow No. A, Club of Western India, Camp, Pune-1.
2 (a). Service to which belongs : I.F.S.,
2 (b). Year of allotment : 1987
2 (c) Date of Birth : As per official record 1st January, 1960
Actual date of birth : (23/07/1960)
3 (a).Present post held : Additional, Principal Chief Conservator of
3 (b). Rank : In the rank of Additional Secretary in the
Government of India.
3 (c). Scale of Pay : Rs.1,82,200-2,24,100 (Pay Matrix 15)
3 (d). Present basic Pay : Rs. 2,11,300
4 (a). Educational Qualification : 1. M.Sc. in Maths from Allahabad University
2. M.Sc. in Forestry from Forest ResearchInstitute (Deemed University), Dehradun
3. Bachelor in Laws from Allahabad University.4. Master in Law (specialization in constitutional
and property law) from university of Mumbai.
5. Master in Business Administration (M.H.R.D.M.) from Jamanalal Bajaj Institute of Management, under University of Mumbai
6. Ph.D. on the subject “A study on management
of village ecosystem for rural development in
context to Gandhian Philosophy” from Gujarat
Vidyapeeth (Established by Mahatma Gandhi)
4(b) Papers / Books / Articles / Report published :
- Prepared and implemented policy and strategy to regularize the examination, assessment of answer books of candidate who appear in the exam conducted by Public service commission for recruitment of civil servant.
- Prepared report and regularize the complete derailed system in the public service commission, within short time in respect of conducting examination, finalization of recruitment etc. by preparing the policy in this regard.
- Introduce the system to publish the answer key and using of carbon less copy (OMR Sheet) in the exam conducted by Public Service Commission.
- Evolved and implemented models for sustainable economy from forest through Joint Forest Management.
- Formulated report and implemented Eco rehabilitation plan for Vindhyan Hills through the community participation on sustainable economic benefit, for society.
- Prepared report and implemented Specific Agro forestry models by suitable species and spacing for tree-crop combination.
- Prepared report and implemented technology for afforestation of degraded and waste land for improving the socioeconomic condition of the rural masses.
- Prepared report and implemented package of practice for successful eco-rehabilitation of silica mixed land for upliftment of economic and social condition of local inhabitants.
- Prepared report and introduce operation of Charkha, (spin wheel) in the rural areas for revival of the rural household’s economy.
- Prepared project and plan for treatment of problematic soil under FORSPA (Forestry support for Asia and Pacific area scheme.)
- Prepared and implemented model to protect the natural resource specially forest and wild life.
- Prepared project for effective protection and development of forest.
- Prepared Guidelines for protection of forest land.
- Prepared report for saving the Powai lake by catchment’s siltation and illegal construction within and around the lake in Mumbai by which most of the water used to go to the people living in Mumbai.
- Prepared report on Agro – forestry model under National Agricultural Bank for Rural Development. scheme for area, affected by sodic and alkaline soil.
- Prepared report for World Bank Project on “Natural Resource Management” (Water, Soil, Air and Vegetation)
- Article on “Environmental protection emerging Challengers issues and policies’
- Prepared report and implemented project to develop the catchment area and watershed area of river Ganga and Jamuna, under Forestry Support for Asia and Pacific scheme.
- Paper on ‘Kisan kyo behal Hai’ (Why farmers are in trouble)
- Article on “Sam Kalin Sahitya” (Contemporary literature) Hindi, Marathi, and Urdu.
- Article on “BEROJGARI KA NIDAN, KHADI KEY VIKAS ME” (Problem of unemployment can be solved through the development of KHADI)
- Article on ‘Role of Eastern U.P. in the freedom Movement’
- Article on “KAVI PRADEEP EK SUJAT GANDHIVADI” (Poet Pradeep is a real Gandhian)
- Article on role of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar for Unity and Integrity of India.
- Article on “Parliamentary democracy in Gandhian Perspective”.
- Article on why Vidharbh is facing problem.
- Article on who is Brahamin
- Article on Methodology to protect natural Resource (Forest & wildlife).
- Article on Role of Commission in meeting the aspiration of public at large.
- Article on Relevance for the post of members and chairman of public service commission and Union Public Service Commission.
- Report for protection, rejuvenation and plantation of Mangroves species in the wet land of coastal land and inland.
- Report on the issues regarding “Distraction of Mangrove and Grabbing the Coastal Land”.
- Article on “Paulownia is a wonder tree”.
- Report for growing herbal plants in the agriculture field either with mix crop or as mono-crops along with forestry crops.
- Report and guideline along with plan for plantation of “Jathropha” on the waste land and stratification of oil from the seed.
- Prepared report on the ex-situ and in-situ development of medicinal plants.
- Article on “problems faced by distress women and remedial measures”.
- Prepared Project and plans for Watershed Management through Area Development Programme to eradicate unemployment, poverty and restore the rural eco-system.
- Article on Modern food habit and malnutrition.
- Article on “Concept of child rights with respect to existing laws / Act and it’s implementation.
- Article on “slum development and socio economic problem faced by the family, society and the state”.
- Article on “Satyagrah as a philosophy of world civilization”
- Article on “Ghandhiji’s life as a dictionary for student”
- Prepared report for protection and rejuvenation of mangrove.
- Report for protection of catchments of Powai Lake with regard to violation of provision of Environment protection Act 1986 by the, various companies, hotels etc.,
- Report for closure of about 387 children homes running in the Maharashtra State in violation of provision of J.J.Act and rule made there under and also recommended disciplinary action against the members / chairman of Child Welfare Committees, Government officers, owner of the Children homes by whom commission and collision, it was going on.
- Report, regarding the irregularities and malpractices going on in the schemes called T.H.R. (Take Home Rations) made for children below three years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers and ready to eat material under Integrated Child Development Schemes and made detail recommendation for punitive and reformative action.
- Article on “Hindu Dharm and Indian Culture”.
- Article on “Status and Prohibition of Child Labour”.
- Article on “Right to Free and Compulsory Education under the constitutional perspective in term of implementation of it and role of State Commission for Protection of Child Rights under section 31 & 32 of Right to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009”.
- Article on “Education for life”.
- Paper on “Developing school audit tool kit”.
- Prepared guidelines to monitor the provision of Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act 2012.
- Prepared draft report for Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Bill 2011.
- Article on “sex education”.
- Article on “Protection of cow and it’s economy”.
- Paper on “use of girl child in sex trade on pretext of marriages”.
- Article on “Contribution of People Residing in the Bhojpuri Speaking Areas” (i.e. Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Western Bihar).
- Article on “Problems in Bhojpuri area (Eastern part of Uttar Pradesh and Western part of Bihar) area and it’s solutions”.
- Article on “Why Eastern Uttar Pradesh is facing problem”.
- Article on “Humanity is crying due to rising in prices of commodities”.
- Article on “Role of women in the field of development of social, cultural and language in Bhojpuri (Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Western Bihar) region”.
- Article on “less representation of Bhojpuri speaking society in higher level political set up”.
- Article on “Removal of economic backwardness and social evil in the Bhojpuri speaking (Eastern Uttar Pradesh) region”.
- Article on “Social / economical / cultural development of Bhojpuri race and development of cottage industries in Bhojpuri (Eastern Uttar Pradesh) area”.
- Article on “Representing Indian culture in foreign countries by Bhojpuri speaking people”.
- Article on “Eight scheduled of Indian constitution and Bhojpuri language”.
- Article on “Democracy is represented by minority system”.
- Research paper on “Suggestions for Amendment in Child Labour Prohibition Act, 1986”.
- Research paper on “Gandhi with Historical Perspective”
- Research paper on “Contemporary Indian Culture and relevance of Gandhi”.
- Research paper on “Mixed Farming with Polonia Tree”.
- Paper on Status of child labour and remedial measures”.
- Article on “Education Through Mother Tongue”
- Article of “Right of children and historical background under the eye of various laws”.
- Article on “Doctor se Mukti”.
- Article on “Problems of women faced due to drunken husband & Alcoholism”.
- Research paper on “Historical aspect on Gandhian Philosophy”.
- Research paper on “Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy”.
- Research paper on “Need and Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy”.
- Research paper on “Effect of Green revolution and liberalism on rural eco system”.
- Research paper on “Government policy and effort with respect to Rural eco system’s management during first five year plan and thereafter”.
- Research paper on “Importance of Management of Rural eco system”.
- Article on “Beaurocracy and Development”.
- Article on “Provanchal (Eastern part of Uttar Pradesh) has tremendous scope on the cottage industries based on Bamboo product”.
- Article on “Decreasing of self respect among people residing in Bhojpuri (Eastern Uttar Pradesh) region”.
- Article on “By what time, public sector organisation shall be depend on the public money”.
- Article on “Foreign trade and Bhojpuri Region”.
- Article on “Big scam by the corporate sector on the name of liberalization”.
- Article on “Why the issue of Bhojpuri state could not be raised before the State Organisation Commission”.
- Article on “Great possibility of developing non conventional energy and Hydro power plant in the Provanchal”.
- Article on “Munga, cultivation and subsidiary industries in Provanchal”.
- Article on “Cultivation of medicinal plant i.e safed Musli in Provanchal”.
- Article on “To teach children and members of school management committee about the provision of Juvenile Justice Act and Right to Education Act”.
- Paper on “To teach children and members of School Management Committee about provision of Protection of Children from Sexual Abuse Act.
- Article on “Vano ka Manmohak Sansar”
- Prepared report for “National Consultation on issue of Single Mother”
- Article on “Children should be in school not at work”.
- Prepared report on mentally retarded women languishing in the mental hospital.
- Authored about 1450 orders covering the various issues on child rights, such as education, protection, survival, adoption, recreations, labour, trafficking etc.
- Authored about 150 orders working as Member Secretary, State Women Commission pertaining to the various issues on women rights such as sexual harassment at work place, domestic violence, family matter etc .
- Article on use of girl child in sex trade on pretext of marriages and role of family and institution.
- Article on “Social issues and de-addict society specially in term of Women & Children.
- Prepared draft child policy 2014 for Maharashtra State.
- Prepared draft guidelines on the provision of ‘Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act 2012” as prescribed under Section 39 of the Act.
- Prepared Action Plan for abolition of trafficking, labour and sexual exploitation of children.
- Prepared a plan and guidelines to provide necessary safeguards and address the problem faced by children belonging to prostitutes.
- Prepared Plan of Action for preventing children being exposed to drug abused.
- Prepared a plan on elimination of use of drug among vulnerable children (special street children)
- Paper presented on Education policy in perspective of Gandhian Philosophy
- Paper presented on Auditing of Universalization of Education.
- Paper on “To teach children and members of School Management Committee about provision of Protection of Children from Sexual Abuse Act.
4(c) Teaching Experience:
- Worked as Visiting Professor of Law (L.L.M. classes) in the university of Mumbai on the subject Environmental laws. Constitutional law (specially Environmental issues)
- Regularly delivering lectures on the various topics including environment, rural development, culture, philosophy, Laws in the reputed colleges and Universities, based on Gandhian perspective.
4(d) Experience in Social Movement :
- Actively participated for prohibition
- Working on spin wheal to prepare the yarn.
- Actively participated for removal of various social evil with Gandhian perspective
- Working to create awareness among Masses on Change in Lifestyle, Food Habit, mind set in view of the Gandhian perspective.
- Actively, involved to spread the use of Charkha (Spin wheal) and preparation of yarn.
- Actively involved to create awareness among public to carry on, constructive programme, as propounded by Gandhiji.
- Regularly organising conference / workshop / seminar, calling Gandhians / Scholors / N.G.Os who are working and associated on the issue of constructive programms, propounded by Gandhiji.
4(e) Details of experience of organizing workshop / training etc of service personnel and others stake holders, N.G.Os, etc.,:
1) In the year 1992 organized workshop cum training programme on the topic “rehabilitation of Silica mines area from environmental degradation” for the officers and scientist belonging to Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and Government of Uttar Pradesh.
2) In the year 1993 organized workshop cum training with the help of expert, from the organization F.O.R.S.P.A. on the topic “rehabilitation of problematic soil affected due to various types of Water Pollution” for scientist, officers and other stake holders.
3) In the year 1994 organized workshop cum training on the topic “Biomass Conservation by changing the cropping pattern in the plain of Ganga in term of treatment of catchment of Ganga and to clean the Ganga.”
4) In the year 1994 organized workshop on topic “Rejuvenation and development of catchment area of Ganga & Jamuna and to clean river Ganga and its tributaries (near to Allahabad) affected due to soil and water pollution”.
5) In the year 1995 organized Workshop on topic “Micro water shed development by way of increasing the biomass”.
6) In the year 2011 organized National Conference for Members and Chairman of State Public Service Commissions on the topic “Relevance of the Public Service Commission for public at large.”
7) In the year 2012 organized National workshop on topic “Child Right and Slum environment”.
8) In the year 2012 organised National Work shop at Wardha on topic child right and buniyadi shiksha.
9) In the year 2013 organised National workshop at Wardha on child labour.
10) On the year 2015 organised National Convention on the issue of child labour and trafficking.
11) Organised four National conferences on the cultural, social, and economical issues of peoples speaking Bhojpuri language and mainly belong to the Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Western Bihar in the year 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010 as part of social activities.
12) In the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 organised regular training for the officers / N.G.O.s. / Members of Judiciary / J.J. Board / Child Welfare Committee / Police officers / education officers Local and Internal Committee Members, Members of Parents and Teachers Association, Members of School Management Committees on the provision of Right to Education Act, 2009, Protection of children from sexual offence Act, Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) Act, 2015. Child Labour Prohibition Act. Chile Marriage Prohibition Act, Domestic Violence Act 2005, Sexual harassment at work place (Prevention, protection) Act 2013.
13) In the year 2015 organised research activities on various child related issues with respect to child affected due to civil unrest / projects.
14) In the year 2016 organised awareness programme for eliminating corporal punishment on children in schools & homes.
15) In the year 2016 organised publicity programme after preparing intensive media plan by using audio / visual system on various child rights issues.
16) In the year 2016 organised National workshop of child beggar and street children.
17) In the year 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 organised Marethan 200 public hearing and awareness programme on the various issues of Child and Women’s Rights as prescribed under the laws.
4 (f) National and State level recognition / appreciation
4 (g) Award / Scholarship / Official Appreciation :
1 |
Appreciation letter issued by Director General, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education for development of institute within short span of time. |
2 |
Appreciation letter issued by organization European community for providing certified quality of Neem seeds and to develop protocol on Neem, for plantation in European countries. |
3 |
Appreciation letter issued by Director General Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education under Ministry of Environment and Forests for bio diversity conservation in Silica Mining area. |
4 |
Appreciation letter issued by Forest Research Institute ROTORUA in New Zealand for developing protocol on Paulownia in order to make species suitable for plantation with Agricultural crops in Gangatic plain. |
5 |
Appreciation letter issued by Government of Uttar Pradesh to create awareness among the public on various environment issues during time of Kumbh Mela in Allahabad. |
6 |
Appreciation letter issued by Military authorities for creating and conserving Bio Mass reserve in Military area in an around Allahabad. |
7 |
Appreciation letter issued by Director General ICFRE for developing Nurseries of high yielding verities of forestry species. |
8 |
Appreciated by the Hon’ble Supreme court in the matter of T.N.Godaverman Thirumal pad V/s Ashok Khot and others in I.A.No. 1503 & 1504 in W.P.(c) No.202/1995 delivered on 10.5.2006 and reported in A.I.R. June 2006 in which then Minister of Forest and then Additional Chief Secretary forest in Government of Maharashtra were sent in one month prison. Only officer in the country appriciated by Hon’ble Supreme Court. |
9 |
Appreciated by then Hon’ble solicitor General Shri G.Vahanvati (latter elevated as Attorney General, Government of India) before Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Seema Dhamdhere V/s State of Maharashtra and others in S.L.P. No. 5498/2006 in following word. |
“My lord since A.N.Tripathi has been appointed as Secretary of Maharashtra Public Service Commission, then image of Commission shall be improved. Mr. Tripathi was appreciated by your lordship for his role in the matter of T.N. Godaveman v/s Union of India and other decided on 10.05.2006 in which then Additional Chief Secretary of Forest and Minister of Forest of Government of Maharashtra were sentenced for one month imprisonment by your lordship. As Advocate General in various forest land related matter, I appeared before Hon’ble High court Mumbai from side of State Government and in these matter I was being assisted by Mr.Tripathi who was then Dy./Jt. Secretary in the Forest Department and due to help of Mr. Tripathi State could be able to save thousand of Hectors of forest land” |
10 |
Appreciation issued by Delhi Law University and Gujrat Law University for valuable association pertaining to the drafting of Bill on Protection of Children for Sexual Offence Act (POCSO Act). |
11 |
Appreciation letter from the organization “Bachpan Bachao”and “Global March” regarding the contribution for drafting on New Child labour prohibition Act. |
12 |
Appreciation letter from the organization International Justice Mission in order to have active role and preparing prevalence report on the condition of Sex worker in Mumbai. |
13 |
Appreciation letter from the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights for contribution to develop protocol on monitoring on RTE and POCSO Act. |
14 |
Appreciation letter from National Commission for Protection of Child Rights to organize national workshop on trafficking and labour. |
15 |
Appreciation letter from Government of Maharashtra to frame Maharashtra Child Policy. |
16 |
Appreciation letter from Government of Maharashtra for contribution to prepare pre schooling policy as prescribed under Section 11 of R.T.E. Act. |
17 |
Appreciation letter from National Women Commission for organizing awareness programme and training programme for the Members of local and internal complaint committee constituted under Sexual harassment at work place (prohibition, regulation, protection) Act 2013. |
18 |
Appreciation letter from Government of Maharashtra for successfully organizing Bal Panchayat / Child Fair / National workshop on Basic Education. |
5) The details of positions held in the last 32 years (In Descending).
Sr. No. |
Name of the Organisation / Post Held / Pay (If applicable) |
Specialization |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
Name of Organisation |
Revenue and Forest Department, Government of Maharashtra |
Monitoring and implementing the plan prepared for various operation in the forest areas. |
Post Held |
Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest |
Pay |
Basic Pay Rs. 2,11,300 (Seventh Pay Commission Pay Matrix level 15) In the rank of Additional Secretary in Govt. of India. |
2 |
Name of Organisation |
Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights. (A statutory body created under the Act of Parliament) |
Monitoring the implementation of provisions of Right to Education Act 2009, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection Act) 2015, Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act 2012, Passing Judicial order under the provisions of Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005, on various issues of rights of child; To review the existing law/rules/regulation, related with the rights of child. Organising Trainings and Awareness Programms, Conference, Workshops, etc. |
Post Held |
Secretary (In the rank of Principal Secretary in the State govt.)
Pay |
Basic Pay Rs. 2,05,100 (Seventh Pay Commission Pay Matrix level 15) In the rank of Additional Secretary in the Govt. of India |
3 |
Name of Organisation |
Maharashtra State Women Commission |
The State Women Commission having aim of furthering the aim of the fundamental rights guaranteed by Article 14, 15, 16, 23 of the Constitution of India, with respect to Women and to give effect to the Directive Principle of State Policy and in particular those as envisaged in Article 38, 39, 39A, 42 to improve the status and dignity of women in the society, to investigate into and to take or suggest suitable measures against practices derogatory to women, to effectively monitor and implement laws, affecting women and to advise the Government on all matters related to improvement and upliftment of status and dignity of women in the society and for matters connected there with. |
Post Held |
Member Secretary (In the rank of Principal Secretary in State govt.) |
Pay |
Pay Matrix level 15
4 |
Name of Organisation |
Maharashtra Public Service Commission, (Constitutional Authority) |
Public Service Commission is a constitutional authority, which conduct examination for appointment to the services of state, frame and operate schemes of recruitment for services. Commission is also consulted on matters related to recruitment rule of civil services, appointment to civil services and post, disciplinary matters etc. Secretary is appointed by the Hon’ble Governor, and Secretary is head of Department. Administrative matters of the commission vest with Secretary. Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the commission. It is duty of secretary to give advice on any matter to the commission. |
Post Held |
Secretary, (In the rank of Secretary in State govt.) |
Pay |
37400-67000+ Grade Pay 10000
5 |
Name of Organisation |
Department of Rural development and water conservation, Government of Maharashtra |
Framing and implementation of policy with respect to rejuvenation and protection of natural resource such as soil, water and air. |
Post Held |
Joint Secretary (Water conservation) Government of Maharashtra and Member Secretary, Water shed development mission, Drought prone area programmes , Integrated west land development programmes. (In the rank of Director in the Govt. of India) |
Pay |
16400-450-20000 |
6 |
Name of Organisation |
Department of Revenue and Forest, Government of Maharashtra |
Framing and implementation of policy related with the issues of forest and wild life. |
Post Held |
Deputy Secretary (F) / Joint Secretary (F) (Forest and Revenue) Department, Govt. of Maharashtra (In the rank of Director in the Govt. of India) |
Pay |
12000-375-16500 14300-400-18000 |
7 |
Name of Organisation |
Energy and Environment Department, Government of Maharashtra |
Environmental issues, Implementation of various environmental laws to protect the environment, Framing of policy, conducting enquiries, preparation of projects. Organizing training and workshops for officials and other stake holders. |
Post Held |
Scientific advisor in department of Environment (In the rank of Dy. Secretary in the Govt. of India) |
Pay |
12000-375-16500 |
8 |
Name of Organisation |
Government of Maharashtra |
General administration of the Forest Department, Management, protection and preservation of forest, wildlife and environment. |
Post Held |
Deputy Conservator of Forest |
Pay |
12000-375-16500 |
9 |
Name of Organisation |
Deputy Director Water and Soil conservation |
General administration, Management and protection of water and soil. |
Post Held |
Deputy Director Water and Soil conservation |
Pay |
12000-375-16500 |
10 |
Name of Organisation |
Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forest, Indian Council of Forest Research and Education. |
General administration, Research and educational aspects related with the eco system, biomass, soil and water conservation, Agro and farm forestry etc. To carry on various research activities on various issues, such as biomass, eco system, agro and farm forestry species, problematic soil, watershed management, along with various national and international organizations, implementation of lab to land programmes. |
Post Held |
Founder Director of the Institute of Social forestry and eco-rehabilitation under the Indian council of Forestry Research and Education under the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India. |
Pay |
10000-325-15200 |
11 |
Name of Organisation |
Government of Maharashtra |
Management and protection of forest, wild life and environment
Post Held |
I.F.S. (P) |
Pay |
8000-275-13500 |
12 |
Name of Organisation |
Government of India |
Training at Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun and Lal Bahadur Shastri National Administrative Academy Mussori, |
Post Held |
I.F.S.(Trainee) |
Pay |
8000-275-13500 |
6) The details of experience in the last 32 years (In Ascending) :
Sr. No. |
Nature of Duties |
Organisation |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
As Trainee |
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy Dehradun & Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration at Masori. |
2 |
Dealt matters related with the issues of protection of forest, finance, administration, wild life, management soil water conservation, employment guarantee scheme, nurseries, regeneration of afforestation area, legal issues, encroachment removal, disposal of cases related with the forest offence as prescribed under the procedure in Indian Forest Act, mandated to the Authorised office to deal with the cases related with confiscation, forfeiture and compounding; management of forest fire, grazing area, fodder development etc. licensing authority in the matter of felling of trees by owner under Maharashtra Tree Felling Act, 1964 (Amendment in 1989), collection of Tender Patta and other minor forest produce including medicinal plant |
Forest Department at Government of Maharashtra at Parbhani |
3 |
Center of Social Forestry and Eco rehabilitation / Institute of Social Forestry and Eco Rehabilitation, an autonomous body under the Government of India dealt the matter related with lab to land programmes for various research Models on problematic soil, agro and farm forestry species etc including Biomass conservation, rejuvenation of water bodies and various research activities on conservation of soil, water and air pollution, various international programmes under United Nations Development Plan for livelihood development through Agro-forestry, Neem foundation, forestry support for Asia and Pacific, World Bank, International Bamboo Research Organization, Uttar Pradesh State Usar Sudhar Nigam, World Bank aided programme for infrastructure development of the Institute of Research Work and reducing the maturity period of forestry species growing under agro forestry, farm forestry as well as those used for forest based industry. Development of quality seed plot area in the forest of U.P, M.P with the help of State Forest Departments. |
Indian Council of Forestry Research & education under Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests. |
4 |
Dealt matter related with afforestation, poverty alleviation, soil water conservation, employment generation scheme, administration, management, finance etc. |
Water Conservation and Rural Development Department, Govt. of Maharashtra. |
5 |
Dealt issues related with, protection afforestation, vigilance, wildlife, legal, management, finance, management of sale of forest produce, protection and regeneration of medicinal plant in-situ and ex-situ both develop high yielding varieties of bamboo species and teak species by using local techniques, application of forest laws in order to remove encroachment and protect the forest wildlife. |
Forest Department, Government of Maharashtra |
6 |
Dealt issues related with implementation of environmental laws, protection and rejuvenation of inland and coastal land, wet lands etc. enquiry related with violation of provisions of environmental laws. Preparation of report on wetland ecosystem, protection of mangroves, preparation of plan and budget of forestry sectors for state, dealt with World Bank Project for Forestry Development in the State, Research Workers on Biomass Conservation, Inland and coastal land, wetland development, mangrove protection and plantation project preparation on the issue of coastal land management, industries management from the environmental angle. |
Environment Department Government of Maharashtra |
7 |
Dealt issues related with framing and implementing of policies related with the issues of forest, wild life, tribals, farmers. Framing of policy for creation of employment generation to enhance the carrying capacity of masses through forest management, framing and implementation of concept of participatory management in Forest Areas called Joint Forest Management. General administration and establishment of forest officers, preparation of plan & budget. Enquiries related with the disciplinary matters of the officers, legal issues, forest land, forest produce, forest banned industries, Forest Development Corporation, licensing of forest based industries, legal matter related with forest land, private forest. Approved and finalisation of management and working plan for forest. |
Revenue & Forest Department |
8 |
Dealt issues pertaining to framing and implementing of policies with respect to rejuvenation and protection of natural resource such as soil, water and air by way of carrying various activities for water shed development catchment area development and waste land development to generate the employment and to enhance the farm productivity, water availability, employment generation at local level, management of rural ecosystem. Framing and implementation of policy for water shed development in the drought prone areas. Framing and implementation of policy for rejuvenation of waste land to generate the employment, to enhance the farm and allied productivity and to enhance carrying capacity. General administration establishment of officers from social forestry, minor irrigation and soil conservation department. Preparation of plan & budget. Allotment of projects under Integrated Watershed Development and Drought Pone Area Programme sponsored by the Ministry of Rural Development under Government of India. |
Rural Development & Water Conservation Department, |
9 |
Public Service Commission is a constitutional authority, which conduct examination for appointment to the service of state, frame and operate schemes of recruitment for services. Commission is consulted on matters related to recruitment rule of civil services, appointment to civil services and post, disciplinary matters etc. The Commission conduct departmental exams for the civil servant Secretary is appointed by the Hon’ble Governor. Secretary is head of Department. Administrative matters of the commission vest with the Secretary. Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the commission. It is duty of secretary to give advice on any matter to the commission. Secretary worked as a Chief Vigilance officer of the Public Service Commission. All the administrative and establishment matters is vested with the Secretary. Secretary has overall control on financial matter. Preparation of budget, finalization of plan etc are with the control of the Secretary. All the examinations related procedure is finalized by the Secretary including the framing and operating schemes related with the recruitment. Proof reading of question papers, monitoring and controlling of exams, result preparation, selection of panel of paper setter, checker, moderator, cross moderators, confidential press, finalization of panel of experts by issuing advertisement and selected from across the country, created question bank try to introduce online system of exam but did not materialize. Introduce Round Table checking system in order to give justice to all candidates.
Maharashtra Public Service Commission |
10 |
State Commission for Protection of Child Rights is a statutory body created under the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005. The commission is quasi judicial authority and having all power of civil procedure code 1908 with respect to protection of child rights. Under Right to Education Act 2010, the commission is appellate authority. Implementation of provisions of “Protection of Children from Sexual offence Act 2012” and Juvenile Justice (care and protection) Act, 2015 is monitored by the Commission. Conference / Seminar / Workshop on various Child Right issues as envisaged under the provision of U.N. Convention 1989 is organised by the Commission. The Commission has recommendatory role on various law / rule /guide line related with the rights of children. |
The Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (A statutory authority created under the Act of Parliament called Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005) having powers of civil court. |
11 |
The State Women Commission having aim of furthering the aim of the fundamental rights guaranteed by Article 14, 15, 16, 23 of the Constitution of India, with respect to Women and to give effect to the Directive Principle of State Policy and in particular those as envisaged in Article 38, 39, 39A, 42 to improve the status and dignity of women in the society, to investigate into and to take or suggest suitable measures against practices derogatory to women, to effectively monitor and implement laws, affecting women and to advise the Government on all matters related to improvement and upliftment of status and dignity of women in the society and for matters connected there with. |
The Maharashtra State Women Commission is a statutory authority having power of civil court, established by the Act of State legislature called Maharashtra State Commission for Women Act 1993. |
- Other Information
- Worked as founder Director, at Advance Center for Forest and Environment (Center/ Institute for Social forestry and Eco-rehabilitation) under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. Center / Institute was given mandate in the field of research and lab to land activities on Agro / farm forestry, reclamation of problematic social, propagation and regeneration of Bamboo, Neem, Paulawnia Jathropha etc. and rehabilitation of environmentally sensitive Silica mine area in Shankargarh at Allahabad. Center attained its reputation not only in national level, but at international level within short time in the field of research and lab to land oriented activities. No’s of International projects were run by the center such as Forestry Support for Asia and Pacific, United Nation Development Programme, WORLD BANK, International Bamboo Research and Neem Foundation etc. under the guidance of young and energetic scientist, officers etc. The main thrust of the center was extension oriented research activities specially in the field of biomass, climate change, change in cropping system, environmental degradation, change in agricultural system, treatment of problematic soil by planting suitable forestry species, development of protocol on some medicinal plants/species such as amla, neem, bel etc, development of protocol on teak, neem, sisoo in order to conduct research for getting high yielding seeds on the basis of year marking the crown trees and also to conduct research to reduce the maturity period of these species for exploitation, rejuvenation and development of catchment area of Ganga and Yamuna along with development of concern micro watershed in order to clean the river Ganga.
- Worked as Scientific advisor in the department of environment Government of Maharashtra. Enquired factories, coal mining, hotels, crusher machines etc in term of violation of provisions of environment protection Act, 1986, water pollution (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981. The important matter which had been enquired and for which report had been submitted are as : Raymond Textile Mill in Yavatmal, Mining of Coal India Ltd in Chandrapur, factories in Nagpur, Bajaj Auto Company in Aurangabad, Essel World Company in Gorai at Mumbai, Renasence Hotel and convention center at Powai Mumbai, Taj Group of Hotel at Aurangabad, Lupin Company at Aurangabad etc., Catchment of Powai Lake, Mangroves in Mud island area, B.P.T. area etc. Submitted reports to the Government with respect to the implementation of environment protection Act effectively. Prepared and submitted detail project report to protect, manage and rejuvenate the inland and coastal land wet land.
- Worked as Jt. Secretary / Dy. Secretary in the Government of Maharashtra. Framed and implemented various policies in term of Protection of forest produce, forest land, rejuvenation development and protection of forest, wild life and Environment. Framed and implemented the Joint Forest management scheme. Save the thousands of hectares of forest lands grabbed by the influential persons, and organization through placing matter before the courts. In some of the land cases having value crores of rupees which were closed in favour of private persons / organizations, have been opened by me and placed before the Hon’ble court by filing petitions despite of several odd. Hon’ble courts have restored lands with the forest department. Handled matters related with thousands of hectares of forest land which was grabbed by land mafias, builders with the act of Commission and omission of Government officers from District to secretariat level and could saved the land by filing cases before courts and land finally restored with the Government. The ex. Attorney General of Government of India Shri. Goolam Vahanvati praised my role before the bench of Hon’ble Supreme Court consisted with Hon’ble Judge Shri Arijit Pasayat and Hon’ble Shri Lokeshwar Singh Panta on 13/3/2007.
- Worked as joint Secretary in the department of Rural Development and water conservation, Government of Maharashtra worked as Member, Secretary Waste land and watershed Development Mission under Government of Maharashtra. Waste land development and Watershed management play major role in the economic development of state, which is resulting into, checking from rural to urban migration, availability of water for drinking and farming, enhancement in biomass, availability of fodder, fruit, timber, etc. enhancement in agriculture production, reduction in use of insecticide, pesticide, fertilizers etc., stoppage of degradation of eco system in term of soil, water and air. Represented State Government before the Committee under the Government of India finalizing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and placed the concept of Employment Guarantee Scheme carried on by the Government of Maharashtra. Enquired and submitted report with respect to malpractices and misappropriation of the Government money, committed by the N.G.O.s, Government officers on the name of watershed treatment. Projects under various watershed schemes, were mainly allotted to the influential persons, political leaders, relatives of the Government officers etc., on the name of treatment of watershed the money was being siphoned and it was hub of the corruption. Enquired matter, directed to file criminal cases against trustees of N.G.O.s and to initiate action under the provisions of Maharashtra Land Revenue Code in order to recover money misappropriated by them. Enquired and initiated criminal action against the Trustees / Members of voluntary organisations / societies / trust run by prominent personalities, political leaders etc. who misappropriated the Government fund near about Rs.55 crore under various Watershed Development Schemes such as Drought Area Prone programmes, Integrated watershed development programme, Integrated waste land development programme, ‘Aashwasit Rojgar Yojna’ in the state of Maharashtra on the name of Watershed Management.
- Worked as Secretary of Maharashtra Public Service Commission (Constitutional authority). The public Service Commission is a authority established under the constitution. The function of public service commission is, to recruit civil servant in the matter of state. For recruitment, the commission conducts examination at various stages and then finalized the recruitment process. It needs preparation of syllabus, setting of question papers, valuation of answer sheets, preparation of result etc. In addition to this promotion, inquiries against civil servants, approval of select list, advisory opinion, are part of function of the commission. When I joined, at that time Maharashtra Public Commission was facing malpractices in examinations and various illegalities in the recruitment and since five years examinations were not being conducted. Ex. Chairman and members were in jail. Reference matter was going on before Hon’ble Supreme Court. However within short period, the system had been restored, and now commission is running ahead to the other state public service commissions, despite of various odd faced from the side of political appointees, Chairman and members. Introduce several innovative systems to make Commission’s functions more transparent, such as issuing carbonless answer sheet to the candidates, publishing the answer key, taking objections and suggestion from candidate on answers, round table checking system of subjective answer sheets etc. Maharashtra Public Service Commission was first Commission in the country which allowed candidates to carry on answer sheets and to publish the answer keys. This is done by me single handedly.
- My work as Secretary of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission is reflected in the annual report of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission for year 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 which shows that in the last 10 years, performance of Commission during said period enhanced more than 300%. As secretary, I have effectively performed my duties and it is reflected in very field, be it financial management, regularization of examination schedules, conducting of examinations, declaration of results etc. Myself appraisal report indicates all these. The Maharashtra Public Service Commission, which was once treated as defunct Commission, has majorly improved in all aspects, i.e. recruitment, selection, transparency, conducting exams, confidentiality, financial matters etc. During my tenure, the Commission earned more in comparison to it’s expenditure. During these four years, I conducted 64 examinations (In each examination at least 20,000 to 5 lacks candidates would appear after opting centers across the states) successfully, without any incidences of paper leaking or printing or wrong questions, wrong Assessment or any other irregularities with respect to the exam and Declaration of results, despite of the unconducive and polluted environment of the Commission from the side of the Chairman and members who were political appointee, which I have Reported in detailed to the then Hon’ble Governor. As Secretary working with Maharashtra Public Service Commission, enquired and submitted a detailed report to the then Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra against the misconduct of chairman and members of the Public Service Commission committed by them in the recruitment.
- Worked as Secretary Commission for Protection of Child Rights. The role of Secretary of Commission is crucial defined under the Act and rule made there under. The secretary is part of the bench and as work quasi judicial authority. Authored more than fifteen hundred orders under Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005, more than two hundred order under Right to Education Act 2009 covering issue of children ranging from birth, survival, education, health, protection, recreation, play, adoption of child, punishment on child, employment of child labour, child begging, rescues, rehabilitation, skill development, crèche facilities, condition of working women, supply of Take Home Ration, ready to eat material for child, use of children for hazardous activities, condition of children in children homes etc. The orders and recommendations also include the matter related with children with need and care, conflict with law, H.I.V. affected, disable, drug addicts, affected due to civil unrest, project, and residing in slum. Some of orders and recommendations, in which parties approached the Hon’ble High Court & Hon’ble Supreme Court, the order and recommendations of the commissions have been upheld by the Hon’ble courts. Regular seminar, conferences, public hearing, workshop are being organised covering various issues of children and special emphasis are being given in the matter of children who are marginalized, H.I.V. affected, disabled etc. After joining in the Commission complaint mechanism is prepared by me for conducting proper & appropriate proceeding. Maharashtra Commission is only Commission in the country which is not only disposing matter by sending letters but passing orders, making recommendations after following due procedure of law and in accordance with legal procedure as prescribed in the Act. Dealts several issues related with the rights of child such as working condition of child artist, engaged in T.V. Serials, provision of education for disabled children, children of sugarcane cutter, working women, prohibition of child labour & trafficking, child tracking system at Railways and made the recommendations. Some of the recommendation on which opposite parties went to the High Court and Supreme Court, has been upheld by the courts. Prepared, draft child policy, draft guidelines for P.O.C.S.O. Act, prepared training module for P.O.C.S.O., J.J. Act & R.T.E. Act for providing training to trainers and stakeholders. Organised more than two hundred National / Regional level workshops /Consultations on child rights covering education, labour, trafficking, problems faced by children residing in slum, in civil unrest areas and project affected areas. Organising more than two hundred regular training programs and public hearing on P.O.C.S.O. Act, J.J. Act & R.T.E. Act. More than hundred public hearing, awareness programme on various issues. Enquired the matter related with the malpractices / corruption in the distribution of food stuffs and ready to eat material for children under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (I.C.D.S.) and submitted report, for criminal and civil action against officers, contractors etc. Enquired the matter related with the corruption / malpractices, in the children homes and recommended closure of Three hundred and eighty seven children homes in the state and action against the officers, owner of children homes Members and Chairman of Child Welfare Committees etc.
- Authored about two hundred order, related with the various issues of women’s, working with the women commission. Organise more than hundred awareness programmes, training programmes / workshop / seminar covering the issues of women, on Domestic violence, sexual harassment at work place, marriages, immoral trafficking etc.
- Area of Eminence
i) |
Constitutional, Environmental, Property, land, and Criminal Laws. |
ii) |
Forest and Wild life related laws. |
iii) |
Protection of Rights of Children and Women. |
iv) |
Children related laws and schemes. |
v) |
Monitoring of provisions of implementation of Juvenile Justice Act 2015, Right to Education Act 2009, Protection of Children against Sexual Offence Act 2012. |
vi) |
Various child and women related issues such as survival, Health, Education, Protection participation. |
vii) |
Farming and drafting of recruitment rules for the Civil posts, project, reports, policy. |
viii) |
Selection and recruitment of the Civil Servant. |
ix) |
Conducting enquiries related with the issue of Children, Women, Environment, Forest, Wildlife. |
x) |
Implementation of the Lab to land programme related with Agro Forestry / Farm Forestry / Silvi Forestry / Catchment treatment / Water shed management/ Biomass preservation |
xi) |
Protection of Forest, wild life and Environment. |
xii) |
Transparency, truthfulness, morality in the Governance. |
xiii) |
Universilaization of Education by using hand, heart and head. |
xiv) |
Propagation of Khadi and preparation of Yarn by Charkha (Spin-wheel), various social activities such as prohibition, cow protection, Basic education, Communal unity, Removal of untouchibility, Sanitation, education, in health and hygiene, promotion of provincial and national language. |
xv) |
Organising conferences / workshop / Convention / Training programme on various issues related with Forest / Rural Development / Water Conservation / Women & Children / Education / Culture / Social / Religion etc. |
xvi) |
Regular author of Articles and delivering lectures in the university, colleges, institutions, etc. |
xvii) |
Rescue, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of missing children’s and trafficked women. |
xviii) |
Implementation of child related laws / Schemes. |
xix) |
Implementation of women related laws / Schemes. |
xx) |
Organising training programmes and awareness programmes on the issues of women and Child Rights, environment, Forest, Watershed, water harvesting, conservation of soil and water etc. |
xxi) |
Vigilance matter. |
xxii) |
Rehabilitation of Indian system of medicine. |
(A.N.TRIPATHI) Date : 29/01/2019